Supporting Documentation

Meeting Location & AccomModations

University of Wisconsin – Madison

Memorial Union



Join us for our Night Out

November 7, 2024

information coming soon


information coming soon

Corporate Sponsors

We thank the following sponsors for supporting the Night Out:

Meeting Agenda & Presentations

7:30 Registration and continental breakfast (30 min)

8:00 Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements

8:15 Morning Session I (30 min)

9:30 Morning break and vendor interactions (30 min)

10:00 Morning Session II

10:45 NCC-AAPM Business Meeting

11:15 Lunch break

12:15 Early Career Investigator Competition

13:15 Afternoon break and vendor interactions (30 min)

14:15 Afternoon Session
15:30 Closing remarks, Awards, and Adjourn

Meeting comments here