NCC-AAPM Officer Positions & Duties
- One-year term as President after serving a one year term as President-Elect, followed by one year as the Immediate Past President
- Presides over all meetings of the full chapter (business, spring and fall) and Executive Committee (all NCC elected officers) meetings
- Organizes spring and fall chapter meetings
- Two-year term
- In charge of all financial affairs and bookkeeping for the chapter
- Organizes the annual elections
- Sends out communication to NCC-AAPM chapter members and NCC-AAPM sponsors
- Takes minutes at all NCC-AAPM business meetings
- Helps to organize the spring and fall chapter meeting
- Attends all NCC-AAPM Executive Committee meetings
Board Member/Chapter Representative
- Three-year term
- Attends Board of Directors meetings at the national AAPM level to represent the chapter and reports back to the local chapter at the spring and fall meeting
- Helps to plan the spring and fall chapter meetings
- Attends all NCCAAPM Executive Committee meetings
- One-year term as President-Elect and transitions to President at the conclusion of the spring business meeting, followed by one year as Immediate Past President
- Helps to organize the spring and fall chapter meeting
- Supports and shadows President in preparation of taking over at the end of the President-Elect term
Immediate Past President
- One year term following conclusion of presidential term at the close of the spring business meeting
- Has an important advisory role in ExCom having spent prior two years as President and President-Elect
- Helps to organize the spring and fall chapter meeting
- Attends all NCCAAPM Executive Committee meetings