Supporting Documentation

Meeting Location & AccomModations

Corporate Offices of Health Partners
8170 33rd Avenue S
Bloomginton, MN


Special room rates can be booked at Hyatt Regency 3200 East 81 St., Bloomington, MN

Room rate of $139

Reservations must be booked by 4/10/2025.

Join us for our Night Out

May 1, 2025
FireLake - Radisson Blu
2100 Killebrew Drive, Bloomington, MN 55425

Corporate Sponsors

We thank the following sponsors for supporting the Night Out:

Meeting Agenda & Presentations

7:15 Registration and continental breakfast (45 min)

8:00 Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements

8:15 Morning Session I 

Raj Varadhan, PhD  “Hyper Arc SRS using Millennium MLC – Is there a threshold limit for target size and off axis distance from isocenter ” (45 min)

Jennifer Pursley, PhD “Considerations for building an adaptive therapy program” (30 min)

9:30 Morning break and vendor interactions (30 min)


10:00 Morning Session II

Shannon O’Reilly, PhD “Global Health Opportunities in Medical Physics” (30 min)

Benjamin Ziemer, PhD “Spatially Fractionated Radiation Therapy and implications for Improving Cancer Care” (45 min)

11:15 NCC-AAPM Business Meetings (30 min)


11:45 Lunch break/Vendor interactions (60 min)


12:45 Early Career Investigator Competition (115 min)

Ohyun Kwon – “Microscale Dosimetry in Radiopharmaceutical Therapy: A Quantitative Approach Using  iQID Imaging” (10 min)

Angela Teeple – “Path to the 0.7T Portable Head-Only MRI Scanner” (10 min)

Gavin Lyda – “Integrating Carbon Nanotube Technology into Mobile X-Ray Systems for Enhanced Diagnostic Imaging in Critical Care” (10 min)

Elissa Khoudary –  “Simulated Error Training for Brachytherapy” (10 min)

Nicholas Summerfield – “Advancing Cardiac Sparing with Upright Patient Geometry and Deep Learning” (10 min)

Xin Tie – “Leveraging Multi-Modality Artificial Intelligence for Automated Clinical Target Volume Delineation in Involved-Site Radiation Therapy” (10 min)

Rachael Blair – “Evaluation and clinical implementation of RadPro myOSLchip for in-vivo dosimetry” (10 min)

Maryam Sadeghian Sharafi –  “Comparison of Photon-Counting-Detector CT and Energy-Integrating-Detector CT for Middle Ear Prosthesis Imaging: Impact of Spatial Resolution” (10 min)

Chase Ruff –  “A Novel Coronary Artery Calcium Detection Model for Cardiac Sparing in  Radiotherapy” (10 min)

Yuhao Yan –  “Characterizing Reliability of a Novel Upright CT for Proton Therapy” (10 min)

Jesiah Showers –  “CT Interventional Procedures Radiation Dose” (10 min)

14:40 Afternoon break and vendor interactions (30 min)

15:10 Afternoon Session

Neelu Soni, MS “Optimized Motion Management QA for Radixact Synchrony” (15 min)

Neelu Soni, MS “Using the Liver Dome as a Surrogate for Real-Time Lung Tumor Motion Tracking in CyberKnife SBRT” (15 min)

Leslie Chang, MD “Impact of Consolidative Radiation on Outcomes in Pediatric, Adolescent, and Young Adult with Metastatic Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcoma” (45 min)

16:25 Closing remarks, Awards, and Adjourn

This meeting has applied to CAMPEP for approval of 6.17 MPCEC hours.