North Central Chapter
Autumn Meeting
October,20, 2023.
MEETING CALL TO ACTION: Meeting announcements and call for speakers here for Oct 20, 2023
Supporting Documentation
Meeting Location & AccomModations
45 Hillman Road, Wisconsin Dells, WI. 53965
Glacier Canyon Lodge
Room rate: $109
Rates are subject to applicable state and local taxes (currently 12.25%) in effect at the time of
check in, and a taxable $29.95 nightly Resort fee, or current prevailing fee if changed.
To get the special room rate, call 1-800-867-9453 and book with: Leader#A00952
This rate is guaranteed until September 19 and is not available through online booking.

Join us Night Out
October 19, 2023 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
511 E Adams St, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965
Corporate Sponsors
We appreciate the generous support of our sponsors for our scientific meeting and would be grateful for any additional support for our night out.
Sponsorship Tiers
GOLD – $400 – Name featured on poster, Opportunity to address attendees at night out
SILVER $250 – Name featured on poster
Night Out Sponsorship can be submitted when registering for the meeting. Alternatively, you can contact ncc.aapm@gmail.com
Meeting Agenda & Presentations
7:15 Registration and continental breakfast (45 min)
8:00 Welcome, Introductions, and Announcements (15 min)
Click here to view Dr. Ehsan Samei’s address to the NCC.
8:15 Morning Session I – “Celebrating the Past”
Bruce Thomadsen – “History of the North Central Chapter and Radiotherapy from our Founding to Now” (30 min)
Larry DeWerd – “AAPM involvement in secondary laboratory calibrations at the start of NCC AAPM” (30 min)
Michael Speidel – “’Medical imaging for diagnosis and intervention: celebrating 50 years of progress” (30 min)
9:45 Morning break and vendor interactions (30 min)
10:15 Morning Session II – “Then and Now”
Dimitris Mihailidis – “How to manage dental CBCT testing and beyond: AAPM Task Group 261” (30 min)
Ashley Tao– “50 years of CT in North America” (45 min)
Jim Kofler– “CT Dose and Risk” (30 min)
12:00 NCC-AAPM Business Meeting (30 min)
12:30 Lunch break/Vendor interactions (60 min)
13:30 Early Career Investigator Competition (90 min: each talk 6 minutes and 1 minute for questions)
Andrew White – “TLDs for Absorbed Dose Measurements in Alpha Emitting Radionuclides”
Chase Ruff – “Don’t Miss a Beat: Cardiac and Respiratory Motion Evaluation with 5D MRI”
Jeremy Hallett – “Noise & Mottle Suppression Methods for Cumulative Cherenkov Images of Radiation Therapy Delivery”
Yuhao Yan – “Mind over Matter: Synthesizing Brain CT for Low-field MRgRT using Deep Learning”
Aubrey Parks – “Monte Carlo verification of Cherenkov imaging in tissue for effects from beam energy, type, incidence, and camera choices”
Nicholas Summerfield – “Cardiac Mask-erade: Low Field MR and Deep Learning’s Reveal”
Grace Hutchinson – “Chronic Renal Toxicity Dose Response Model for Pediatric Myeloablative Bone Marrow Transplant Conditioning Regimen Using Total Body Irradiation”
Autumn Walter -“Development of a ring-based compensator system for intensity modulated small animal irradiations”
Sean Jollota – “A proposed dosimetry formalism for diffusing alpha-emitters radiation therapy (DaRT) brachytherapy seeds”
Alexander Niver – “Non-Contact Scintillator Dosimetry for Total Body Irradiation”
Steve Blum – “Dosimetric impact of interfraction adaptive template-based interstitial brachytherapy for gynecological malignancies”
15:00 Afternoon break and vendor interactions (30 min)
15:30 Afternoon Session – “Looking to the Future”
Dimitris Mihailidis– “The focus of the AAPM Task Group #359 (Flash /ultra-high dose rate radiation dosimetry): Why do we need this TG guidance?” (45 min)
Diego Hernando – “Machine Learning for Medical Imaging” (30 min)
16:45 Closing remarks, Awards, and Adjourn (15 min)
This meeting has applied to CAMPEP for 6.5 hours of MPCEC.